How difficult is it to fish quietly in Germany?

Estimated read time 5 min read

Germany is located in the hinterland of the European continent. The climate is mild and humid, and there are many rivers and lakes. Although the scenery is picturesque, they can’t see people fishing. So the question is “Is there no German who loves fishing?

The picture shows one of the oldest cities in Germany, one of the oldest cities in Germany

Although fishing is leisurely, the fishing certificate is a nightmare for everyone

“Fishing? Did you get a fishing permit?”

What? Fishing card? Are you crazy?

But this is not a joke!

Although the regulations for fishing permits in Germany are different, the general rules are the same: if you want to fish in Germany, you must have a fishing certificate; you must get a fishing certificate-the validity period can be 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years.

The picture shows the German Hans and his fishing certificate

You have to pass the qualification test first; if you want to take the exam, you have to take 40 hours of professional training courses; finally, after taking the class, the test, after the fishing permit, you also need to add a fishing club, different from different, differently The club corresponds to different fishing waters.

These clubs also have quota restrictions. It is said that joining the popular club has to wait for 18 months!

In fact, in many countries, fishing must apply for permission, but it is just a paper document, which is equivalent to reporting to the government. In the fish breeding season, such as March to June, the government will ban fishing. This process is not complicated. Why is it different from Germany?

I have a British friend who moved to Germany and obtained a fishing certificate. He answered my questions because the world in the eyes of the Germans has many kinds of fish in the river, not each of them from March to June. If breeding, if you only prevent fishing during this period, what about the different fish of the breeding period?


Thinking of this, the Germans were shocked: Not good, this system has loopholes! According to the tight logic of the Germans, there is a loophole to make up for it. Therefore, there is such a set of mechanisms: In Germany, once the fishing certificate is obtained, it can be caught throughout the year, but the fish that is caught in the breeding period should put them back into the water

My British friend drank saliva, and then said, now the question is, how can you know if the fish you caught is breeding?

This requires you to distinguish the types of fish proficiently and know their respective reproduction periods. I said this is not easy. If you fish just for fun, you will release it all after fishing, will you not have it?


He smiled slyly, stretched out an index finger at me, and gently shook the saying: You can think of the Germans too simple. It is not allowed to catch fish in Germany and release them. Ghost knows the original intention of this regulation. About the subtext is: being caught and put back, are you playing with fish? The fish is also dignified, okay? So in Germany, you must take away all the fish caught. Killing, unless the fish is too young, does not meet the specified minimum size, is in the reproduction period, or is on the protected “red list”. These all need to be judged by the fishing person.

However, it’s not over here, you still have to learn how to kill fish!

The British proudly showed me his learning results.

The first step is to knock the fish first to reduce the pain when it is killed. Then use a sharp knife film to cut a small mouth on the fish’s throat to let the blood flow out.

The second step is to remove the internal organs. Here we have a slight 500 words. There is a detailed explanation in the training.

The third step is to observe the internal organs and color of the fish, and check whether the fish is disabled, ill, or polluted. If there is a signs of infectious diseases or signs of pollution, the fishermen are obliged to report them to the relevant departments. The fourth step is to cut the fish into fish or sashimi according to personal preferences.

When the British said here, they finally showed their joy: Fortunately, the Germans did not specify how long the fish row should be cut, otherwise, it would make people crazy.


I couldn’t help laughing and said that you were just a beautiful man who wanted to be quiet fisher. As a result, he became a half-veterinary doctor. Of course, there is not much perseverance like my friend. After understanding the above hardships, friends who love fishing on the Internet have said that we should drive to Fishing in Austria!

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